Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Welcome to Mecca blog! "Your style Your character"

Hi, lovely customers!

Mecca is a moslem fashion boutique which offers different characteristics of clothes collection. Mecca only chooses those with high quality products yet at affordable price. We offer you nothing but the very best. Mecca works with some of fine Indonesian designers such as NonieQ by Noni Zakiah, Ambu Design by Diana Nurliana,Shabilla by Nabilla Ayumi, Kivitz by Fitri Aulia, and Kaia by Ippho Santosa. Each designer represents their own characteristics; unique, stylish, and comfy. We sell tops, pants, skirts, outerwear, shawls and scarf, and dresses. Your satisfaction is our pleasure....

1 komentar:

  1. udah meluncur ke mecca boutique,sneng akhirnya ad boutique hijab d pkanbaru,walopun pas ksana koleksinya bnyak yg dh abis,mdah2an kleksinya mkin lengkap yaaa(house of nabilia,gda's,monel,kivits,dll) dngan hrga yg brshabat ma kntong tntunya hee...
